Friday, October 11, 2013

Here’s a quick update…

A magazine editor saw my posts and asked me to write articles for readers in Chicago! I am really pleased because doing so allows me to reach a wider audience.

Thanks to all who have welcomed me back. The feedback has been very positive and I am truly grateful. And remember…

You too can help me spread my word by telling people about the blog and becoming a follower. According to a survey conducted by Nielsen, consumers trust word of mouth recommendations from friends and families as the most reliable source of advertising over traditional newspaper.

Who knows, with a little luck and your help, the next request for an article might be from Dr. Phil or maybe even Oprah! (A girl can dream, can't she?????)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Boy...It Feels Good to be Back!

One of Jack Nicholson's most memorable movie quotes comes from "The Shining" - I've been away, but now I'm baaack. That same quote applies to me because, after an extended absence, I too am back. Only I hope your reaction is a bit more welcoming than the one Jack received!

I often say that God laughs when you make a plan because the contrariness of life seldom allows for things to go as expected. Eighteen months ago, when I introduced this blog, my intent was to post regularly as a way to help people get what they want from life. Unfortunately, my own life took a totally unexpected twist that left ZERO time for posting and demanded the use of all my skills to stay focused, empowered and...WISE. Things are now calm and I am ready to once again pursue my passion to 

Help Others Feel Less Overwhelmed &
More Successful.

So, without further ado, I present my most recent publishing accomplishment. Please visit the following website and be sure to check out PAGE 16.